Projects - Residential Sector
Up-to-date information will be added here as our project portfolio is developed

40no. two and three-bed apartments. Mechanical design role to RIBA stage 5 working for the electrical installation contractor.

32no. Apartments located within an existing Grade-II listed building. M&E design consultancy role for RIBA stages 3 and 4.

29no. apartments located above 3no. studio workshops. M&E design consultancy role for RIBA stages 3 and 4 - Landlord Services only.

New build housing development comprising 9 houses and 4 apartments M&E Consultancy role - RIBA stages 3 to 6.

11no. apartments located above a city centre retail unit M&E design consultancy role for RIBA stages 3 and 4.

42no. studio, 1-bed and 2-bed apartments located above 2no. retail units. M&E design consultancy role to end of RIBA stage 4.

30no. new-build apartments, split into blocks up to 4-storeys. M&E design consultancy role for RIBA stage 4 - Ventilation (MVHR) and Mains cold water distribution design to apartments only. Also, ad-hoc TA services to the Client during Construction.

New Community Hall and function venue (300 people) with Catering and Welfare facilities, Separate Cafe and Apartment Block comprising 8 flats. M&E design consultancy role to end of RIBA stage 4.

Conversion of Council building to create living accommodation for the homeless Mechanical services design only - RIBA stages 3 to 4

Pre-Aquisition surveys of Apartment Blocks L and Q Survey of the M&E installations to ensure compliance with the Consultant's briefing documentation and requirements.

Conversion of an existing 3-storey building into 11no. studios for student accommodation. M&E Design to RIBA stage 4 forr Tender.

28no. new apartments comprising of 4no. separate cores, within an existing hotel (previous use) building. M&E design consultancy role for RIBA stages 3 and 4 - Landlord Services only.

Conversion of 2no. previous Police Station buildings to create a total of 26no. new apartments (15 in High Road West Building; 11 in Glenfield Court). M&E design consultancy role for RIBA stage 4 - Landlord Services only, including utility connection applications.

Additional floor added to the existing building (28no. apartments) and then separation of the building into two separate blocks (33no. apartments in the rental block; 12no. apartments in the block for sale). Completed Initial Feasibility / Concept report. Detailed Design to follow.

21no. new-build apartments with ground floor communal areas. M&E 'Building Regulations' package completed. Detailed Design to follow.

To be updated soon

To be updated soon

To be updated soon

To be updated soon

To be updated soon